Linking Policy
Thank you for your interest in linking to the HI Flying.
Our websites provide information for patients, caregivers, case managers, consumers and healthcare professionals as part of the HI Flying mission to help reduce disability and deathby carrying out safe Medical Transport and Medical Assistance services.
Linking to HI Flying
Please refer to and use the following guidelines when setting up a link to HI Flying websites.
Exception: The exception to this rule is when a legal agreement is in place which directly specifies that a logo can be used on another party's website. The logo must be accompanied by a proclaimer that explains the nature of the HI Flying relationship with the other party. However, the logo itself cannot be used as a link - the logo can be on the website but the link itself must be text only.
In addition, the logo use must conform to our Branding Guidelines and any requirement set out in a written agreement.
Linking FROM the Hi Flying Website
Linking to an external site - the "two click" rule
Any link from the Hi Flying website to an external website must abide by a two-click rule. This means that the first link goes to a "jump page" that explains the relationship between HI Flying and the other party. A link to the external website can be placed on this jump page, however, it must land on a general homepage, not a page that includes information about specific products or services.
The Association reserves the right to add, modify and delete these Guidelines at any time at the HI Flying sole discretion.