As a Medical Director - Medical escort on Commercial flights - whether it is a stable patient flying in Business or First class or critical patient who has recovered and wish to go Stretcher class - Choosing the "Right" Medical escort has always been a Challenge.
The Happiness of the patient in case of a Medical transfer depends on a number of factors.
Lower courts give judgements. Higher courts change them. Higher courts give judgements, other benches change them. Government fights with courts. All of them work less than 8 hours (few exceptions) & have sumptuous vacations. Judges without medical training decide about medico-legal cases. But none of them require exams to improve performance or to deliver better in spite of huge backlogs. © Dr. Rajas Deshpande
In almost every govt. office, in most departments controlled by them, bribery is
The problem with the U.S. healthcare system is it makes more money when people are sick and the purpose of the Accountable Care Act long term is to have the healthcare system make more money when people are healthy. (upbeat music) Not just for themselves, but also as a model for the rest of the world. Why are we spending so much on healthcare? Why aren't we just keeping people healthy? So the big problem we're facing, even though many of us don't recognize it, is global sickening.
Better professional opportunities and better standard of living are the two main reasons why people seek better employment. The sad fact is that professionals from developing countries think that better employment with better salaries can only be found abroad – significantly in developed countries. If this is the on-going way of thinking of the professionals, it is not surprising that they have chosen to work and live abroad. Professional and skilled people are needed in every part of the world
Himalayas with its dangers is a potential for a large number of Medevac flights both Helicopters and Fixed wing aircrafts.
Himalayan expedition happens from Nepal and India.
Our Medical team has completed more than 500 medical evacuations from the base camps to the bases in Nepal and then further repatriations to all major cities in Asia, Europe, Australia and United states.
Some unknown facts about the Himalayan peaks -
7 Obscure Facts About Mount Everest That You Probably Never K
Redacción. Santiago de Compostela
El Servicio Gallego de Salud (Sergas) pretende que para 2020 se incremente al doble la atención actual por teléfono de los pacientes, lo que supondría un 15 por ciento del volumen total. Así se contempla en el Plan Estratégico Galicia 2015-2020, cuyo objetivo es acomodar el servicio sanitario actual a las nuevas realidades sociales, como el envejecimiento de la población que incrementará el gasto público (un 12,3 por ciento en cuatro años según estimaciones de
Eduardo Ortega Socorro. Madrid
Casi un tercio de los 58 comités éticos de Investigación Clínica (CEIC) a los que la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (Aemps) ha acreditado para aprobar ensayos clínicos está en centros hospitalarios de Cataluña.
Belén Crespo, directora de la Aemps.
Concretamente, esta región cuenta ya con 18 de los denominados comités de ética de la investigación con medicamentos (CEIm), el 31 por ciento de ellos. La segunda autonomía que más órganos
Advances in fetal echocardiography are providing highly accurate diagnoses of congenital heart disease prior to delivery, making it possible to plan the delivery-room management of these newborns. Knowledge of the expected transitional circulation occurring with birth and the pathophysiologic implications of congenital heart disease increases the likelihood of providing efficient and effective therapies. The majority of neonates who have congenital heart disease will not require delivery room re
The main objective of this chapter is to describe the findings obtained from the primary research of this study by conducting a survey of Taiwanese students and professionals on the phenomenon of brain drain. The chapter discusses the findings obtained from this study and examines the views of the participants. Based on the findings the discussion is drawn and finally the conclusion is composed.
In order to collect key data inputs the questionnaire design is very important so that the main quantitative information can be grouped into definite classes and a participant does not face any ambiguity in the questionnaire. This will eliminate errors and also and enable participants to answer correctly (Cooper & Schindler, 2006). This stage of design of the survey questionnaire is to be aligned with all elements of the objective of the research and also the analysis process that will be used.
Research on a subject can be either from a scientific viewpoint or have a historical approach. The approach in both methodologies is collection of information on a wide range of topics in a logical and systematic manner. Research, which is not based on experimental results, or basic research has strict protocols with eight well defined steps based on the topic and the objectives. The same process applies to analytical research (Kumar & Kapil, 2009).
As per the study by Byra (2013) multiple approaches can be highlighted in order to understand the factors resulting in high-skilled migration. The Neo-classical economic and growth theory emphasizes on the significance of market relations, choice and scarcity which define demand and supply. Migration in this sense is defined as the product of cumulative effects of choices made by rational individuals looking for advantageous outcomes for their families and self. It has been seen that rational ac